Dental Sedation Options for Your Comfort
We understand that sometimes patients feel very anxious or nervous about dental treatment. At Dental Designs of Savannah, we want dentistry to be a comfortable experience for everyone. Dr. Richard Thomas provides sedation dentistry services to help you feel at ease during your visits with us.
What is Sedation Dentistry?
Sedation dentistry refers to the use of sedative medications during dental treatment to place the patient in a calm, relaxed state. If you are extremely fearful of dental treatment, or have complex dental restorative needs, Dr. Thomas will help you consider sedation dentistry to determine if it is a good fit for you.
Oral Sedation Dentistry
Oral sedation is accomplished using prescription oral sedative medications prior to dental treatment. Dr. Richard Thomas has completed the Georgia licensure requirements to provide oral sedation for dentistry for his patients at our Savannah dental office.
Also known as oral conscious sedation, oral sedation is different from general anesthesia used at the hospital during medical surgery. Oral sedation reduces the patient's anxiety level, however, they are awake and able to walk, talk and respond to direction as needed.
Your Oral Conscious Sedation Appointment
After you and Dr. Thomas have finalized your treatment plan, he will prescribe a medication to be taken on the morning of your dental appointment. Your companion will drive you to our office and wait in our reception area as we provide your dental care.
With dental oral sedation, most patients feel very calm and relaxed during treatment; they are not bothered by the dental environment or sound of the dental drill. While they are aware enough to respond to questions, they do not feel anxious or nervous.
Following your treatment, we ask that your companion stay with you at home for a few hours until the effects of the sedation wear off.
Oral conscious sedation often has an amnesic effect for many patients; they remember they went to the dentist's office but do not remember much about the details of the procedures.
Nitrous Oxide Sedation (Laughing Gas)
Nitrous oxide sedation (laughing gas) has been used for years by dentists to help patients relax during dental treatment. Nitrous oxide is a mixture of chemical compounds with oxygen that creates a calm, pleasant feeling when inhaled through a nose mask. The effects wear off shortly after the mask is removed.
Dr. Thomas may recommend nitrous oxide sedation in conjunction with oral conscious sedation to help the patient feel fully relaxed throughout their dental procedure.
Is Fear of the Dentist Keeping You Away?
Being fearful about going to the dentist is actually very common. Patients that have memories of difficult dental treatment in the past sometimes feel overwhelmed about going to the dentist's office, even for routine care. Many avoid the dentist altogether until they have a problem; this compromises their dental health, and, can lead to tooth pain and costly dental emergencies.
If you experience a high level of anxiety about going to the dentist, we can help. The answers you need are just a phone call away - please Contact our Dental Designs of Savannah Team to learn more about our sedation options. We will always greet you with compassion and empathy for your situation.
“The individual attention you get from Dr. Thomas and his staff are amazing. His gentle demeanor puts you at ease (this coming from a dental phobic person). The office over looks the historic district. You feel like you are in the tree tops. I highly recommend Dental Designs of Savannah- it's like a dental spa!” — L.N.
“Dr. Thomas and staff do a great job making sure you're comfortable. Easily the best dental experience I've had. Would highly recommend to a friend.” — T.M.